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Off Silanga Road, Karen C, PO Box: 1799  00502 Karen, Nairobi/Kenya

+254 703 200 002

Lightpulse is a subsidiary of Lightpulse based in the United States and invested in educational and health ventures in Kenya. Lightpulse is the sole shareholder of Light Group of Schools(Light Academy and Light International School) and Afya International Hospital. Light Group of Schools is a well-established educational brand founded in 1998 with seven branches across Kenya in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Malindi. It offers 844 and CBC at our Light Academy branches while the Cambridge system of education and BTEC qualifications are provided at our Light International School branches. The schools have a proven track record of academic excellence nationally and internationally. Light Group of Schools is committed to providing quality education and maintaining its reputation as a leading educational institution in Kenya. Afya International Hospital based in Malindi is set to offer comprehensive health services of quality standards, provided by dedicated staff for both Outpatient and Inpatient since 2015.


Upcoming event on 15th December.

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