At the beginning of 2016, we were honoured to partner with and support inABLE's assistive computer technology labs at schools for the blind in Kenya.

Presently, Kenyan schools for the blind do not offer students any computer skills training and graduates students with only Braille reading and writing abilities, only to enter a world completely oblivious to Braille. What’s unique about inABLE’s computer program is that it is a complete assistive technology eco-system that includes accessible hardware, software, computer-lab infrastructure, Internet connectivity and employable skills training.

Thanks to this pioneering assistive computer-technology program, blind and visually impaired students at the schools below are now mastering keyboarding, accessing online educational resources, communicating with new friends worldwide, typing essays, researching homework assignments, and developing employable skills.

We are proud to be associated with this programme!


Upcoming event on 15th December.

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